Staying active is harder as you age.  After 50 things seem to hurt a bit more.  Recovery from the activities of life take more time than they used to.  That does not mean you cannot live a healthy active life after 50.   You don’t stop living because a certain birthday has passed.


Remaining active as you age is essential to health and life satisfaction.  When I was younger I loved to exercise. (Still do) I would give my all in a workout lifting as heavy as possible and trying to keep up with others. I started doing crossfit at 42!  It was quite humbling.  You can read about my first crossfit experience here  if you want a chuckle.
I compared myself to others and the competitiveness of my personality pushed me.  As I got older I pushed just as hard but had injuries that would sideline me for a bit.  Even worse is I would push through pain to workout again. This is not smart either.  The basics for staying health are activity but how that looks that may change as you age.  In particular 3 things you can do to stay active and that will lengthen your life


Mobility.  Maintaining mobility as you age is vital to living a long healthy life. Maintaining mobility is a vital part of living a healthy life for the Female over 50.  Mobility work can be as simple as moving your extremities on different planes a couple times per day or using foam rollers or lacrosse balls to work out tight musles.  This also does not have to take a lot of time.  3 things you can do today to support your mobility:
NOTE/WARNING:  Consult your doctor or Physical therapist before attempting these exercises.
If any activity causes pain stop immediately.
UP/DOWNS:  Stand up straight with your arms overhead bend your knees slightly and touch the floor and stand back up to bring your arms back over head.  Repeat 10 times
ARM CIRCLES:  Straighten your arm (1 at a time) and make large circles going forward in slow and steady motion.  Really reach when going overhead.  Then reverse the circle and go backwards again really reach when going over head.  Repeat 10 times each way/each arm.
SEATED LEG MOBILITY: Sit in a chair.   Extend 1 leg in front of you so that your leg is extended straight pause 3 seconds then lower.  (Repeat 10 times each leg)
After completing the leg extensions.  Keep your leg straight  flex your foot back and then point your toes 5 times.  When pointing your toes also tilt your head forward feeling a slight stretch in the back of your neck and when you flex bring your head back up to neutral position. (Repeat on both sides)
This short routine takes about 2-3 minutes and can be done most any where and any time.  I do this routine first thing in the morning and right before bed.


Putting one foot in front of the other repeatedly is an underrated exercise.  Walking- most everyone can do it.  If you have difficulty walking try walking very short distances and work your way up.  Walk to the kitchen, then walk to the kitchen and to the bathroom.  Walk to the end of your driveway then try walking to the end of your street. The most important thing is to do what you can each day.  30 minutes per day is ideal. But you should do what you can do and if that is 1 minute then that is what you can do.  Maybe soon it will be 5, 10 or 20 minutes that you are able to walk.


Plain and simple lifiting weights is a must for anyone over 50.  As we age it gets harder and harder to build muscle so we need to maintain the muscle that we have by using them. You don’t have to deadlift 300 pounds or bench 200 to be lifting weights.  You need to provide resistance to keep your muscles moving.  This can be your body weight to start out.  As you strenthen you can add weight to that.  Here are a couple excercises that you can do if you are just starting out.
SIDE SHOULDER RAISES: You can use no weight to start out and progress to 1 or 2 lbs.  Straighten your arms (both) and extend them down by your side and then bring them up to shoulder height pause 3-5 seconds and let them down to your side.  (Repeat 10 times)
CHAIR SQUATS:  Sit up tall without your back touching the back of a  sturdy stationary chair (do not use a rolling chair) and stand up.  That is it.  If this is hard for your knees you can use your hands/arms to push off when you first start out.  As you get stronger you can come down but not sit (hover/light touch) then come back up.


Three of the most important things you can do to feel better and healthier today are Maintaining your mobility, walking and lifting weights (Resistance training).  A little bit everyday is a method to support your health and well being.